I had my ultrasound last Wednesday and we found out we're having a GIRL!! We are so excited! The first time the ultrasound tech tried to find out the sex her legs were crossed and her feet were touching her face! I was so nervous we weren't going to find out that day. So, she did some more measuring and tried again. This time she had her hands covering everything up. At least we know she's a little modest girl (: At the end of our ultrasound we spent about 15 trying to figure out and then the ultrasound tech says, "I know what it is, I just want to get a good enough picture so you can see for your self!" I didn't care about a picture at that point, I just wanted her to tell me! So then I said "Is it a boy?!" NOOOO GIRL!! I couldn't believe it! Everyone thought it was going to be a boy and deep down I was really hoping for a girl so I can dress her up! and I got what I wanted! (: and I can already tell Keegan is going to be wrapped around her little finger from day 1! My due date also got moved up 4 days, so my weeks have been a little off! I cant believe I'm almost halfway through this pregnancy! So Crazy!!

how far along: 19 weeks
baby is the size of: a mango
gender: girl
name: Addison Kate Brady
maternity clothes: got my first pair of maternity jeans and lots of shirts
stretch marks: none
sleep: pretty good
movement: so much
miss anything: clothes that fit
food cravings: sub sandwiches
anything make you queasy or sick: smells
labor signs: no
pains: when addison is in my ribs
emotional state: becoming more emotional as the days go by
looking forward to: doctors appointment friday