Wednesday night Keegan didn't sleep very well. He said his legs were hurting all night and he just kept getting up and getting water all night. On Valentine's Day (thursday) I worked all morning/afternoon, Keegan and I both had class that night, and then Keegan was working until about 11:30. So we had no Valentine's plans for that night. All that day Keegan was kind of groggy and sleepy because of the night before. At about 1am Keegan got home form work. He is usually pretty quiet when he gets home and just wakes me up to let me know he made it home. This night was different!! He flipped on the light and just stood in the middle of the floor making this weird smiling face at me. Coming from a complete sleep, I was very confused at what he was doing. He finally came closer and I realized that his front tooth was broken completely in half. Turns out he was putting away some pans at work (pizza hut) and one hit a shelf, flipped over, and knocked him in the mouth! broke the tooth in half with the nerves showing and all! I was half asleep and wanting to stay asleep because my alarm goes off at 5:30, but I knew I needed to get up and take care of him. Keegan was planning on staying up for a little while and finishing some homework that was due the next day, so I got up and got him some tylenol. Keegan hadn't eaten much that day because he wasn't feeling very good, but I insisted on him eating something. I figured some soup would be the easiest thing to "drink" with the nerve showing.. but what would you know, we were out of soup! so I told him I would make some chicken and rice soup without the chicken. chicken broth and white rice isn't the tastiest thing ever, but it got something on his stomach. On Friday keegan had class from 11:00-1:50 and I got off work at 2.. so I was planning on making him a dentist appointment for about 2. When I started calling around to some dentist offices here I realized that most offices close pretty early on Friday's. I called one office around 7:30 that morning and they said that they could get him in if he came in then. well crap, Keegan wasn't planning on waking up until about 9.. and I was at work. I called my boss and she said that she was getting ready and could be there soon so I could go to the dentist with Keegan. I was hoping that I could just call Keegan and wake him up and meet him at the dentist so we could get there quicker, nope! Keegan's phone was on vibrate! I called him 16 times, left him a voicemail, texted him, emailed him, anything to see if it would wake him up! NOTHING! I finally got home, woke Keegan up, and we were on our way to the office. He was still out of it and was pretty lost on what we were doing! When we got to the office they took some x-rays and decided that a root canal and a crown would be the best option. We did a root canal that day and they fixed his tooth temporarily and we have to go back in two weeks for the crown! I was very impressed with this dentist and I'm glad I decided to take him there! He hasn't had any problems or pain with the tooth and I'm hoping it stays that way until he gets the crown!

OH my gosh! Poor guy!! Sounds like yall had a stressful week then!